Steam Water Hammer Accident Investigation and Steam Training

Kirsner Consulting Engineering logo
Wayne Kirsner, P.E. / Principal


You are here Observations or findings -- click here for photographs and text describing findings.

Mouse Over Red " X " or " Red Line " To View Problem.

Summary Plan
Drawing above shows most of the problem areas observed in RED .
The Px-x (in BLUE ) are links to photographs

Navigation instructions:
"Mouse over" (or "Click" on) RED for "pop-up" description of the problems observed.
Click on BLUE for details including photographs and descriptions.
Click on "Observations" to review the detailed findings
including photographs and descriptions.

Definitions :
Slip: The "slip" is the male portion of an expansion joint
which slides into the female housing as the pipe
to which the slip is welded expands with a rise in temperature.
CR = Condensate Return System
UV = Utility Vault

Note: North is up. East is right -->>.

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